Andrea Polli is an Environmental Artist who has utilized a Met One Instruments product—our E-sampler—to create stunning visual art. Particle Falls, a mobile art installation projected on the sides of buildings in ten different locations so far, allows pedestrians to visualize in real-time, in a rather stunning way, the prevalence of air particles in the ambient air we breathe. The juxtaposition of Particle Falls’ magnificence, alongside quantifying the reality of normally invisible pollution particles causes onlookers to do a double take with awe, fascination, and perplexity. This light installation changes with the effects of wind and passing vehicles.
Polli says, “I have had the privilege of using the e-sampler since 2009 on this project and it has been very reliable.” When Met One asked what has inspired her to bring scientific research and innovative art together, Andrea replied, “’I had been interviewing atmospheric scientists for several years as part of my research related to weather and climate, including spending 7 weeks in Antarctica alongside scientists. At around 2008, through an interview with an air quality scientist in Boulder, l learned of a new technology that could measure tiny particles (PM2.5). I had an opportunity to create an artwork for the City of San Jose that would highlight pollution from the burning of fossil fuels, and wanted to use real time data, and got connected to Met One through Sonoma Technologies.”
Andrea has created public art works based upon her scientific research in 25 locations worldwide. Her passion for bringing together climate science and art is truly inspiring. Check out her other projects at