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Systems Designed To Meet Or Exceed Federal Regulatory Monitoring Guidelines

Collect Data With Precision And Confidence

Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem provides high-quality instruments to federal, state, county, tribal, and local government agencies worldwide to help ensure air quality, health and safety, and regulatory compliance. Met One Instruments offers a selection of designated (EPA, TUV, CNEMC, NIER) air quality monitors and particulate samplers currently in countrywide networks in the USA, Canada, Asia, Europe, and South America.  You can find our air quality monitoring products in 195 countries.

Our air quality monitoring instruments are used in subways and underground facilities, state and country-wide networks, and industrial sites. Our dust monitors, particulate counters, gas analyzers, and mass monitors are also used in hospitals, schools, food processing plants, medical manufacturing facilities, construction sites, and emergency response sites.

Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem offers a comprehensive line of ambient particulate monitors and samplers. 

Our beta attenuation mass monitors (BAMs), are used across the globe for applications requiring the highest possible accuracy and precision. The BAM 1020 is the flagship of the BAM line with certifications in the United States, Europe, China, Korea, and Taiwan. More than 15,000 BAM 1020 monitors have been sold to-date. The BAM air quality monitoring units currently offered by Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem are:

For More Information on our Full Lineup of BAM Instruments, click here: https://metone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/MET_Beta-Gauge-Booklet-FINAL.pdf

The federal reference method air samplers produced by Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem are available in either single-event or multiple-event configurations. The single-event E-FRM reference sampler is used for ambient sampling on pre-weighed 47 mm diameter filters for later gravimetric or chemical speciation laboratory analysis. The E-SEQ-FRM sequential reference sampler may be loaded with up to 16 pre-weighed 47 mm diameter filters for later laboratory analysis and provides for up to 16 independent sampling events.

Our SASS and SuperSASS single and multiple event speciation samplers provide the capability of collecting five independent samples in a single event, or up to 8 independent samples on up to 4 independent sampling events. The PM samplers offered by Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem are:

Review our Full Lineup of Regulatory Air Quality Monitoring Instruments Below:

Regulatory Air Quality Monitoring Products:

  • BAM 1020 Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor

    The BAM 1020 from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem is a continuous particulate monitor which automatically measures and records airborne particulate concentration levels (in milligrams or micrograms per cubic meter) using the industry-proven principle of beta ray attenuation. Thousands...

  • BAM 1022 Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor

    The BAM 1022 Real-Time Portable Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem continuously measures the mass concentration of ambient particulate matter collected onto filter tape with a time resolution of one minute. The BAM-1022 employs an...

  • BAM 1022 PLUS Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor

    Our new BAM 1022 PLUS is the most sensitive Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor ever made! The BAM 1022 PLUS is a real-time portable EPA Class III FEM beta attenuation mass monitor which continuously measures the mass concentration of ambient particulate...

  • E-BAM Plus - Met One Instruments

    E-BAM PLUS Environmental Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor

    The E-BAM Plus from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem is a portable, real-time beta gauge which has EPA Approval for PM10 particulate measurements. The E-BAM Plus will satisfy users, regulators, and those from the health community by providing truly...

  • SASS and SuperSASS Speciation Sampler

    The SASS and SuperSASS Speciation Samplers from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem are designed to comply with and exceed EPA Speciation requirements. Two models provide a choice for compliance monitoring: SASS, a 5 channel sampling system; and SuperSASS, an...

  • E-FRM-DC Reference Method Particulate Sampler

      The new and improved Met One Instruments, Inc. E-FRM-DC sampler is a single-event filter sampler to determine daily PM2.5 or PM10 particulate concentrations in ambient air. The E-FRM-DC has an innovative design and unique features that provide a versatile, reliable,...

  • E-SEQ-FRM Sequential Reference Method Sampler - Met One Instruments

    E-SEQ-FRM Sequential Reference Particulate Sampler

    The E-SEQ-FRM Reference Method Particulate Sampler from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem meets the regulatory requirements for PM2.5, PM10, and PM10-2.5 sampling methods. The E-SEQ-FRM accommodates up to sixteen (16) 47-mm diameter filter samples and may be pre-programmed to a...

  • Acoem Serinus 10 Ozone Analyzer

      The Serinus 10 ozone (O3) analyzer by Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven non-dispersive ultraviolet (UV) absorption technology to measure O3 in ambient air (LDL < 0.5 ppb, range 0 to 20...

  • Acoem Serinus 30 Carbon Monoxide Analyzer

      The Serinus 30 carbon monoxide (CO) analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven NDIR gas filter correlation technology to measure CO in ambient air (LDL < 40 ppb, range 0 to...

  • Acoem Serinus 31 Carbon Dioxide Analyzer

      The Serinus 31 carbon dioxide (CO2) analyzer by Acoem uses non-dispersive infrared (IR) gas correlation spectroscopy to provide accurate, stable, and repeatable measurements of gaseous CO2. It can be configured to operate in absolute or differential mode providing flexibility...

  • Acoem Serinus 40 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer

      The Serinus 40 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven chemiluminescence technology to measure NO, NO2 and NOx in ambient air (LDL < 0.4 ppb, range 0...

  • Acoem Serinus 44 Ammonia and Oxides of Nitrogen Analyzer

      The Serinus 44 Ammonia Analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven chemiluminescence technology and an external thermal catalytic converter to measure NO, NO2, NOX and NH3 in ambient air.    

  • Acoem Serinus 50 Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer

      The Serinus 50 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven pulsed UV fluorescent radiation technology to measure SO2 in ambient air (LDL < 0.3 ppb, range 0 to...

  • Acoem Serinus 51 Sulfur Dioxide & Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer

      The Serinus 51 Sulfur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It combines pulsed UV fluorescence detection with an internal catalytic converter to sequentially measure H2S and SO2 in the...

  • Acoem Serinus 55 Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer

      The Serinus 55 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven pulsed UV fluorescent radiation technology and an internal thermal catalytic converter to measure H2S in ambient air (LDL...

  • Acoem Serinus 57 Total Reduced Sulfur Analyzer

      The Serinus 57 Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) analyzer from Acoem delivers precise and reliable performance at an excellent value. It uses proven pulsed UV fluorescent radiation technology and a thermal converter to measure TRS in ambient air (LDL <...

  • Acoem Serinus 60 Nitrogen Dioxide Analyzer

      The Serinus 60 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Analyzer with Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) spectroscopy technology from Acoem allows direct measurement of NO2, rather than an indirect calculation from a chemiluminescence analyzer. Using a modulated blue LED light source, the...

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