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065 Air Temperature Sensor

Air Temperature Sensors

061 Air Temperature Sensor

The Met One Instruments Model 061 is designed for general-purpose ambient air temperature measurement. The sensor is a precision, multi-element thermistor device that accurately measures ambient air temperature in field settings. This precise performance is a benefit of the sensors’ high resistance sensitivity, which eliminates problems associated with line lead length, noisy environments, and poor connections.

The solid-state, multi-element thermistor devices produce a relatively large resistance change per degree of temperature change, allowing the use of normal signal voltages without self-heating of the sensor. When used with signal conditioning modules, the resultant output is a precise analog voltage.

The 061 mounts in Met One Instruments’ 076B Motor Aspirated Shield.

065 Air Temperature Sensor

The Model 065 uses the same sensing network as the Model 061, but is configured to mount directly to the Model 073B or 5980 Naturally Aspirated Radiation Shields. The sensor is supplied with a screw-type connector which connects directly to the signal cable.

T-200 Air Temperature Sensor

Model T-200 is a highly stable, 100 Ohm platinum based RTD, designed for accurate wide range temperature measurements outside the range of the thermistor probes. Each calibrated standard T-200 sensor has a unique calibration constant that can be programmed into your measuring device for higher accuracy making it ideal for differential temperature (T). The T-200A mounts in both the 076B and 074 Radiation Shields.

Met One Instruments’ temperature sensors are precision thermistor devices that accurately measure ambient air temperature in field settings. This precise performance is a benefit of the sensors’ high resistance sensitivity, which eliminates problems associated with line lead length, noisy environments, and poor connections.


  • Rapid response time; 10 seconds in still air
  • Calibration traceable to NIST
  • Interchangeable without recalibration
  • High resistance values to minimize signal line resistance
  • ‘Free air’ suspension of thermistor bead



Specifications are subject to change at any time.
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