Particle View RT Software
Particle View RT software includes all of the functions required for recording real time data, viewing data (both real time and historical), and producing tabular and graphic reports needed for most users of clean rooms and controlled environments. It is designed for use with the Met One Instruments, Inc. line of hand held and bench mounted particulate counting products, including the BT-610 and the BT-620.
Real Time Monitoring
Real-Time Data Collection via COM Ports and the Network. Connect up to
32 Met One Instruments.
Data History
View past and present data with the data history screen.
View, print, and export data visually using charts and graphs.
View, print, and export tabular reports. Export spreadsheet compatible files (CSV format).
Particle count, temperature, and relative humidity alarm limits (High, High-High, Low, Low-Low).
Sort/Filter Data
Sort data by date/time, location, and/or particle count. Filter data by date/time, location, and/or
particle size.
Unit Conversions
Concentration conversions (particles/liter, particles/cubic foot, particles/cubic meter) and
temperature (°C or °F).
Meets the essential elements of 21 CFR part 11 such as: Audit trails, user logins and passwords, data
integrity, and data security using a secure SQL database.