NPM 3 Network Particulate Monitor
The Met One Instruments, Inc. NPM 3 is a forward light scatter laser nephelometer particulate monitor which automatically measures real-time airborne TSP, PM10, or PM2.5 particulate concentration levels.
The NPM 3 features improved reliability and lower maintenance. Each unit uses a serial cable that allows the device to connect to a laptop, data logger, or CCS+ Comet Cloud Modem. The real-time data is accessible for display, logging, review, and reporting instantly or later time.
The monitor contains a 5-mW diode laser operating at 670 nm wavelength. A protective optical housing fully encapsulates the laser beam and optics system within the device.
Data from the NPM 3 can be managed using the supplied copy of Met One’s user-friendly, Windows-based, Comet™ communications terminal software. Comet allows the user to view real-time data and log data to a data file on a computer in .csv format.
The NPM 3 is calibrated using 0.6-micron latex microspheres. These provide an extremely consistent calibration but do not generally match the characteristics of all ambient particulate. A K Factor (multiplier) must be established using a collocated trusted reference source (such as a BAM 1020) for good accuracy and correlation. The default factory K Factor is 1.0.
The K Factor is only valid at the same site and for the same particulate type. If the local particulate source changes, the K Factor may need to be adjusted.
The unit is supplied with a TSP head, Comet software, a mounting bracket, & a hose clamp.
➡️ For further technical information on the NPM 3, please read the published article in Aerosol Science & Technology, Fine particle mass monitoring with low-cost sensors: Corrections and long-term performance evaluation, or click HERE to download the pdf.
- Plug & Play Operation
- Seamless Network Integration
- CCS+ COMET Cloud Plus Compatible | Cloud Data Available on any Smart Device
- Ideal for Neighborhood Monitoring, Smart City & IoT Applications
- Field Proven Nephelometer with Filtered Purge Air System
- Automatic Humidity Control
- Weatherproof Enclosure
- Compact, Low Power
- 24-Month Service Interval
- Excellent Accuracy & Long-Term Stability
- Adjustable “K” Factor
- Low Cost