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Met One Instruments, Inc. Promotes Air Quality for Education

Invest in the Health & Future of Students & Staff



Many studies have found that higher concentrations of particles in outdoor air are associated with increased respiratory health effects and premature death. EPA studies have shown that indoor air pollutants may be 2 to 100 times higher than outdoor levels, leading to serious long-term health risks, especially in children. Air pollutants rank among the top five most harmful pollutants affecting population wellness, causing ailments like asthma, respiratory illnesses, allergies, headaches, and eye irritation. These adverse health effects can seriously impact a child’s ability to learn and even lead to absenteeism. Teachers and staff are similarly affected. To quote the EPA, “Proper maintenance of indoor air is more than a quality issue; it encompasses safety and stewardship of your investment in students, staff, and facilities.”



Particles in the air within schools are partly from outdoor air and partly from indoor sources. Concentrations of air particulate within schools are often well above health-based guidelines for concentrations in outdoor air. These frequently high indoor concentrations suggest a high potential for adverse health effects. Several studies have also found statistically significant increases in respiratory health effects among staff or students in classrooms with higher particle concentrations. Together, these findings indicate that increased attention should be placed on reducing particle concentrations in schools. Increased outdoor air ventilation rates can help reduce particle concentrations in many schools because indoor concentrations usually exceed those outside; however, increased ventilation is a poor solution where the outdoor air is highly polluted. Improvements in particle filtration systems, or the addition of filtration systems when they are absent, can be practical options. Met One’s Aerocet 831 is an ideal device for air quality measurement in schools.



Outdoor air quality should also be monitored, particularly on the playground during recess, during athletic and extracurricular events, and in the parking lot during student drop-offs and pick-ups. In addition to roadside monitoring, major natural events such as wildfires can largely influence choices made by school administrators regarding student health. The ES-642ES-412, or NPM2 are candidate products for outdoor monitoring.



Met One Instruments, Inc. manufactures various indoor and outdoor air quality monitors and profilers to help school districts measure particulate load and air quality in an enclosed or outdoor space. Equipped with this knowledge, schools can make informed decisions on how and when to remediate unhealthy or hazardous air spaces to provide a clean breathing environment for students and staff. Invest in the health of your school, students, and staff by actively monitoring air quality.



For more information on Met One Instruments handheld particle counters for indoor use, please download our:



Handheld Particle Counters and Asthma Guide



Benefits to Monitoring & Improving Air Quality in Schools:
  • Optimized Health of all Occupants, Students & Staff Alike
  • Higher Test Scores Amongst Students
  • Increased Average Daily Attendance
  • Greater Teacher & Staff Satisfaction & Retention
  • Increased Government Funding through Overall Improved Metrics
  • Reduced Liability Exposure
  • Improved Long-Term Relations Amongst Administrators, Staff, Students, Parents, and Public Agencies





💡 Want to Learn More?


🔗 Read our article, IAQ 101: INDOOR AIR QUALITY to learn everything you need to know about indoor air quality.
🔗 Read our article, BACK TO SCHOOL: How Does Air Quality Affect our Children’s Health & Ability to Learn at School?
🔗 Read our article about Global Wildfire, Air Quality, & Public Health Information 2021
🔗 Please also visit the EPA’s website for more resources on School Indoor Air Quality: https://www.epa.gov/iaq-schools




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