Measure & Report Particulate Component Concentrations
Detailed Data For Public & Environmental Health
Met One Instruments, Inc. provides accurate and reliable monitoring equipment that measures and reports carbon concentrations in the air. Ambient air can contain significant amounts of carbon in certain areas. Differentiating the type of carbon—whether it is black carbon, brown carbon or organic carbon—is useful and many areas of research and public policy. Through background monitoring, carbon identification, and concentration monitoring, regulators, researchers, and in some cases first responders, can begin to identify the source of the carbon, whether it be the burning of fossil fuels, wood, tobacco, waste, or other biomass.
Specialty Samplers
Chemical Speciation
Air quality monitoring professionals are often interested in knowing the chemical composition of the PM2.5, PM10, or TSP they are monitoring or sampling. Since these aerosols are typically made up of hundreds of different substances, many of which are interacting with the environment and with one another, aerosol chemical speciation is challenging. Historically, it has been a two-step process: sampling of the aerosol with a field-based sampler onto a specialized filter or through a pre-treated cartridge, followed by retrieval of the filter or cartridge and shipment to a laboratory for chemical analysis. This approach allows complex, highly sensitive and selective laboratory analyses to be performed but the results cannot be reported in real-time nor is time resolution other than 24-hour integrated results generally available. Although interest for practical, real-time, field-deployable speciation monitors has existed for many years, few have been successfully introduced. Of particular interest has been the ability to monitor black carbon “BC” and brown carbon “BrC”, two classes of substances known to be highly detrimental to human health. In addition, BC is known to be a significant contributor to global warming.
Speciation Samplers
The Met One Instruments SASS and SuperSASS samplers are specifically designed for collection of PM2.5 onto multiple 47-mm filters followed by subsequent laboratory analysis of the collected PM2.5 for a variety of different chemical compounds including organic and elemental carbon “OC/EC”, heavy metals, and principal anions and cations. The SASS and the SuperSASS form the backbone of the US Chemical Speciation Network “CSN” with hundreds of these types of units deployed over the years. The SASS and SuperSASS also operate in many monitoring networks outside of the United States. Met One Instruments’ E-FRM and E-SEQ-FRM samplers may also be used for collection of aerosols onto 47-mm filters for subsequent laboratory analysis with the added flexibility of being able to use PM1, PM2.5, PM10, or TSP cut points at 16.7 LPM.
Specialty Samplers
Met One Instruments offers specialty samplers for specifically defined applications.
Pesticide Sampler
Our pesticide sampler is a highly customizable speciation sampler designed specifically for sampling of specific pesticides, herbicides and fungicides typically found in agricultural settings. Field sampling and subsequent laboratory methods for quantification of these substances is highly specialized, as a result more generalized aerosol samplers are usually not used for this application. One common configuration has 3-channels with flow rates 15 LPM (PTFE cartridge), 1.5 LPM (thin glass cartridge), and 50 cc/min (thin glass cartridge) for sampling and subsequent analysis for organophosphate pesticides, methyl isocyanate (MITC) and chloropicrin. Other configurations are also available.
Toxics Sampler
This application specific unit is a multi-channel ambient sampler for toxics sampling according to US-EPA TOC or Compendium Methods for aldehydes/ketones, hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) and VOCs. In addition to offering 4 filter-based channels, the sampler can also control several SUMMA canisters. This device is programmable and upgradeable.
Carbon Speciation Monitors
Black carbon “BC” and Brown Carbon “BrC” are substances created through combustion of fossil fuels and/or organic materials. Both are considered to be air pollutants, and BC is known to contribute to global warming due to its black color and its ubiquitous nature anywhere fossil fuel combustion occurs. Unlike other common constituents of PM2.5, such as inorganic sulfates, inorganic nitrates, ammonium compounds, silica, and ionic substances such as iron oxide or sodium chloride, all of which are relatively benign, many of components of BC or BrC are known carcinogens and are highly toxic. Met One Instruments offers three Black Carbon monitors: the research grade BC 1054 Multi-spectrum Black Carbon Analyzer, the BC-1060 portable Black Carbon monitor, and the C-12 affordable portable Black Carbon monitor.
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Pictured here is Met One’s SASS Speciation Sampler being used for pesticide sampling
Speciation Particulate Matter Monitors & Samplers Products:
BC 1054 Black Carbon Analyzer
The BC 1054 Multi-spectrum Black Carbon Analyzer from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem continuously measures the transmittance of light across filter media onto which particulate matter is accumulating and in real-time calculates the black-carbon “BC” concentrations at 10 different...
BC 1060 & BC 1065 Portable Black Carbon Monitor
The BC 1060 and BC 1065 2-Channel Black Carbon Monitors from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem measure and report aerosol brown and black carbon concentrations, with user-selectable time resolution down to one minute, at both UV (370 nm) and...
C-12 Portable Black Carbon Monitor
EXPERIENCE HIGHLY GRANULAR BLACK CARBON MONITORING WITH UNMATCHED AFFORDABILITY Introducing the groundbreaking C-12, our portable and weatherproof dual wavelength carbon monitor, which allows for highly granular measurement of black and brown carbon at an unbeatable total cost of ownership, making...
SASS and SuperSASS Speciation Sampler
The SASS and SuperSASS Speciation Samplers from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem are designed to comply with and exceed EPA Speciation requirements. Two models provide a choice for compliance monitoring: SASS, a 5 channel sampling system; and SuperSASS, an...
E-Sampler Dual Ambient Monitor/Sampler
Our E-SAMPLER is the most feature-packed light-scatter Aerosol Monitor available. Whatever your monitoring needs, the E-sampler will provide accurate, dependable, and relevant data.
E-FRM-DC Reference Method Particulate Sampler
The new and improved Met One Instruments, Inc. E-FRM-DC sampler is a single-event filter sampler to determine daily PM2.5 or PM10 particulate concentrations in ambient air. The E-FRM-DC has an innovative design and unique features that provide a versatile, reliable,...
E-SEQ-FRM Sequential Reference Particulate Sampler
The E-SEQ-FRM Reference Method Particulate Sampler from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem meets the regulatory requirements for PM2.5, PM10, and PM10-2.5 sampling methods. The E-SEQ-FRM accommodates up to sixteen (16) 47-mm diameter filter samples and may be pre-programmed to a...