Met One Instruments Mining Products
Real-time Data Accessible Anywhere On Your Smart Device To Protect Regulatory Compliance
At a construction site, mining operation, or bulk handling facility, the wind, temperature and relative humidity can have a critical impact on operations. When the wind hits a certain speed or direction, and/or certain dry conditions exist, it may be necessary to alter or suspend operations. This is required to maintain health and safety of the local population by limiting the dispersion of dust and particulates in the air. Met One Instruments, Inc. offers a variety of solutions by coupling either the General Purpose or AIO 2 (All-In-One) Weather Sensor(s) with our ES-642, ES-405, E-Sampler or E-BAM dust and particulate monitors. These systems provide real-time data to maintain operations while in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. Cloud-based data handling provides immediate data access using any smart device, in addition to providing alerts via text message or e-mail.
Mining Products:
BAM 1022 PLUS Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor
Our new BAM 1022 PLUS is the most sensitive Beta Attenuation Mass Monitor ever made! The BAM 1022 PLUS is a real-time portable EPA Class III FEM beta attenuation mass monitor which continuously measures the mass concentration of ambient particulate...
Swift 25.0 Flow Calibrator
The Swift 25.0 is a multi-function, truly portable flow calibrator. Specifically designed to audit and calibrate flow, pressure, and temperature of our higher flow rate ambient air sampling and monitoring instruments. Flow accuracy is NIST traceable. Features: This user-friendly calibration...
ES-405 Simultaneous Particulate Profiler
The ES-405 is a near reference air quality sensor designed to provide accurate real-time measurements of TSP*, PM10, PM4, PM2.5, and PM1 particulate concentrations simultaneously. It reports these five key particulate concentrations in both indoor and outdoor environments. The rugged...
Remote Dust Monitor ES-642
The ES-642 Remote Dust Monitor from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem is an industrial air-quality sensor designed to provide real time particle concentration measurements in both indoor and outdoor environments. Our ES-642 measures particulate concentration using a highly sensitive...
E-Sampler Dual Ambient Monitor/Sampler
Our E-SAMPLER is the most feature-packed light-scatter Aerosol Monitor available. Whatever your monitoring needs, the E-sampler will provide accurate, dependable, and relevant data.
AQ EAGLE Air Quality Monitoring System
The AQ EAGLE system is a multi parameter ambient air quality monitor from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem which measures and reports particulate and meteorological data. The ES-405 particulate profiler continuously samples ambient air and reports particulate mass concentrations simultaneously and...
General Purpose Weather Station
Met One Instruments’ General Purpose Weather Station is specifically designed for monitoring ambient meteorological conditions. It is available in pre-packaged configurations for fast delivery; yet is easily customized with additional sensors and accessories to suit many measurement applications. The General...
Weather Sensor AIO 2 Sonic
The AIO 2 Sonic Weather Sensor/Station is a complete, high performance, multi-parameter weather sensor using proven 2D sonic technology from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem. This technology provides reference grade accuracy without moving parts and includes a built-in compass...
CCS Modem 3
The COMET Cloud Service Modem 3 (CCS Modem 3) from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem is a cellular modem and cloud data service package which is directly compatible with a variety of air quality and meteorological sensors. The CCS...
AutoMet 580 & 136 MultiMet Interface Module
AutoMet 580 Our AutoMet 580 Collection Platform is a complete data logger with front panel display which accepts input from any Met One standard sensors, AutoMet sensors and Met One digital serial sensors. Featuring Ethernet and MODBUS connectivity, the AutoMet...
Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor BX-597A
The BX-597 is an integrated Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Pressure measurement sensor. All sensing elements are of the highest quality and are specifically designed for continuous duty in hostile environments. The temperature sensor utilizes platinum RTD class 1/3B. Relative Humidity...
Precipitation Gauges 360 Series
360 series of precipitation gauges from Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem are high quality, reliable instruments that measure rain and/or snow. The tipping bucket allows for accurate, repeatable measurements and low maintenance. When a precise amount of precipitation is...
Comet Software
Comet software is a utility for extracting information (data, alarms, settings, etc.) from Met One Instruments’ products. The software is designed for the user to easily access information within a product without having to know underlying communications protocol for that...
Air Plus Software
Air Plus software includes all of the functions required for the collection, viewing of data, and production of both tabular and graphic reports needed by most users of an air quality or other environmental monitoring system. It is designed for...